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29 July 2019


'ARTI my Love' - in Amsterdam

Two works of the recent series - Inspired of questioning the show in the society Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam, as I wrote this poem in my diary, when I met Mondriaan and Breitner. Vincent was also present...
The first one will be shown at the exhibition Zomersalon // ART 'N SOCIETY ( July 16 - September 3. 2019).

'Encounter in ARTI ( Four Edged)'

Dear Vincent, yesterday at our meeting in ARTI
with Mondriaan and Breitner, you have seen and
heard how Piet was very angry at me and said: 
'Krikor, you should be more Radical and stop being 
emotional, dealing still with your sad past and your
parents' pain. Your uprootedness I understand it well. 
'Home' is inside each of us, you know that damn well. 
Remember it for once and for all. Take care that you 
think clear and straight - looking at the future where
in a Cosmological Unity we could all together one day 
touch Infinity'. 
I looked at you Vincent, totally submerged in thoughts
as I heard you saying: 'What are you all talking about? 
Look around you and try to embrace the Beauty of Life! 
In pain I could see all passing by swiftly. All is about Love,
here, now!'. Then you disappeared as a cloud noiselessly. 
George was all this time almost still. He enjoyed listening to
our abstract talk. He stood up to leave as Piet looked at me
with his anxious piercing eyes and before leaving he said: 
'Think about what I said to you my friend, Life is too short'.
I remained in the society building, totally alone and lost. 
Looking at the dark corner where three stars now happily
were waving in space hypnotised. We were all in ecstasy.
Krikor Momdjian 
(A page out of my diary)

ARTI my love I Krikor Momdjian

ARTI my love II Krikor Momdjian